Our Blog: Recipes, Research, and Resources 

Fiber-Full: Do You Get Enough?

Fiber-Full: Do You Get Enough?

“I don’t need to worry about fiber. That’s only important for old people!” No matter your age, fiber-rich foods are key to your overall health. Yet, most of us only get half the fiber we need each day. As dietitians, fiber is one of THE most important nutrients we...

Cranberry Vinaigrette

Cranberry Vinaigrette

Looking for a riff on a traditional Thanksgiving side? Our Cranberry Vinaigrette can give a Thanksgiving twist to your favorite salad. Bringing a nicely dressed salad to your family celebrations can add some color to the holiday table. Plus it squeezes some veggies...

Cottage Cheese Pumpkin Bars

Cottage Cheese Pumpkin Bars

With Thanksgiving around the corner, we’re all craving PUMPKIN! These cottage cheese pumpkin bars are bursting with pumpkin pie flavor, yet high-protein satisfaction. How? They’re made with cottage cheese and plain Greek yogurt. In our recent Bite-Sized Review, we...

Trick-or-Treat! Managing Fun Foods

Trick-or-Treat! Managing Fun Foods

Fun foods can be tricky for parents and the end of the year is what we like to call Fun Food Season. How can we, as parents, maintain a healthy relationship with fun foods for ourselves? How can we help to foster this healthy relationship with fun foods for our...

Body Positive Social Media: Who Should I Follow?!

Body Positive Social Media: Who Should I Follow?!

Social media is the place where people share snippets of their life with people outside of their immediate circle. It's important to remember that the images on social media aren't a complete representation of someone’s life or appearance. As a healthcare professional...

Sound and Satisfying Snacking!

Sound and Satisfying Snacking!

Did you know that 48% of all food and beverages consumed are snacks? There are so many reasons for snacking: Nourishment: You’re hungry. Optimization: You need a snack before a workout or to fuel an exam. Pleasure: It looks good, it’s there, so you eat it!...



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