Potatoes for Gut Health + Higher Protein Potato Salad Recipe

Potatoes for Gut Health + Higher Protein Potato Salad Recipe

Did you ever think a white food like potato salad could be good for gut health? White foods, like potatoes, are not fully appreciated for their nutrient resumes. They are rich in blood pressure supporting potassium, vitamin C and fiber. But, they often get bad press...
Inside Out: Nutrition for Acne & Skin Health

Inside Out: Nutrition for Acne & Skin Health

Acne. Is there evidence you can improve acne with nutrition? It’s interesting, as I shift into perimenopause, I’ve noticed my teenage skin return. So fun. At the same time, with the emergence of puberty, my pre-teen and recently-turned-teenager are also...
The Mediterranean Style of Eating for Mental Health

The Mediterranean Style of Eating for Mental Health

The Mediterranean style of eating is close to our hearts at McDaniel Nutrition. Much of our nutrition recommendations are based on its dietary patterns. We’re such fans of this way of eating, we authored a cookbook on it! The Mediterranean (Med) Diet has robust...
Meeting Your Nutrition Needs Going Lactose-Free

Meeting Your Nutrition Needs Going Lactose-Free

Have you ever wondered, “should I go lactose-free (LF) or dairy-free?” If so, you’re not alone. There’s a growing curiosity behind choosing a lactose-free diet. Our clients often bring up questions about dairy, such as:  Could dairy be causing my...
Nutrition Tips for Better Mental Health

Nutrition Tips for Better Mental Health

If you’ve been on social media in the past 5 years, you’ll have noticed the focus on improving mental health. While therapy and self-care practices are usually the focus, nutrition plays a key role in your mental well-being. Here are some practical tips to...
“Stepping Off” the Scale

“Stepping Off” the Scale

When was the last time you stepped on the scale? Was it last month? Last week? Maybe you weighed yourself twice this morning, before and after breakfast? Think about how you felt in the moments before you stepped on the scale. Were you still waking up maybe looking...