Inside Out: Nutrition for Acne & Skin Health

Inside Out: Nutrition for Acne & Skin Health

Acne. Is there evidence you can improve acne with nutrition? It’s interesting, as I shift into perimenopause, I’ve noticed my teenage skin return. So fun. At the same time, with the emergence of puberty, my pre-teen and recently-turned-teenager are also...
Sleep, Nutrition & Menopause

Sleep, Nutrition & Menopause

“Since I’ve entered menopause, my sleep has become really disrupted. I used to be the best sleeper, but now I find I wake early in the morning or in the middle of the night. And then it’s hard for me to fall back asleep.” Peri/menopause...
Meeting Your Nutrition Needs Going Lactose-Free

Meeting Your Nutrition Needs Going Lactose-Free

Have you ever wondered, “should I go lactose-free (LF) or dairy-free?” If so, you’re not alone. There’s a growing curiosity behind choosing a lactose-free diet. Our clients often bring up questions about dairy, such as:  Could dairy be causing my...
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions that Stick

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions that Stick

As the end of the year approaches, we will soon be welcoming in the new year of 2024. As most people do with the new year, you may be thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions or goals. These may be goals to sharpen your vocabulary, connect with loved ones more, or...
Skin Issues? These 5 Foods for Healthy Skin Can Help

Skin Issues? These 5 Foods for Healthy Skin Can Help

Your skin is your largest organ and it plays a vital role in your health and wellness. It protects you by keeping water and nutrients in and harmful bacteria and viruses out. Your skin helps you maintain your body temperature and makes vitamin D when exposed to the...