For this Nutri-bite I am going to give you some tricks to manage all of that Halloween candy. First tip is to wait until the last minute to buy all of the candy and avoid buying your favorite candies. Once your goblins have come home with all of their tricks and treats, we have to manage the damage. Here are some tips!

    • Tip 1: Love it or leave it
      • Tell your kids to keep the candy that they absolutely love.  The they can put the rest in the family community candy bowl. 
      • The key here is at night while the kids are sleeping, mom or dad gets rid of the candy  from the family community candy bowl. 
    • Tip 2: Bag it in single portion baggies and give it to people who will really appreciate it! 
    • Tip 3: Donate non chocolate based candy to soldiers by visiting and surprising them with their own Halloween treats. 
    • Tip 4: diffuse some of that sugar by incorporating candy into healthy recipes
      • Add chopped M&M’s to fiber one muffin mix which is low sugar and high fiber. 
  • In the end, Halloween is a holiday associated with candy that children enjoy but the most important part is doing it in moderation and enjoying the night!