Carb Fuel for the Endurance Athlete: How Do I Know If I’m Getting Enough?
When it comes to the endurance athlete, carb fuel is king (or queen)! Quite often, our sports dietitians get the question from our clients: how do I know if I’m getting enough or even too much? This question is an important one to answer as carbs are critical...
Maintaining Healthy Habits For The Business Traveler
Maintaining healthy habits for business travel requires attention and intention. Research shows that whether you’re a road warrior or jet setter, more mileage often equals more stress and takes a larger toll on health. However, addressing all phases of travel...
Watermelon & Tomato Gazpacho with Summer Herbs
Nothing says summer like watermelon or…watermelon gazpacho. My middle son, Patrick, is the fruit lover in our family. He picked out the heaviest, largest watermelon at the farmer’s market this past weekend. We cut the beast up, had a few slices and then...
No Fridge Necessary Summer Camp Snacks + Our Favorite Brands!
Summer camp. First of all, I’m just glad they’re here. But, with camps taking smaller numbers of campers this year, our three boys are attending 3 different camps at various points all summer. And, it kind of makes my head spin trying to keep it all...