The Power of Protein

The Power of Protein

Protein is a vital nutrient and serves many important roles in the body. It is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle repair and growth. In addition, it has important roles on the cellular level with immune support, brain function, appetite...
Your Holiday Survival Guide

Your Holiday Survival Guide

The holiday season should be a joyous time, spending time with loved ones, enjoying time off work (hopefully), and connecting over meals and occasions. The holiday season can also be daunting and overwhelming if you currently or have struggled with your relationship...
Fiber-Full: Do You Get Enough?

Fiber-Full: Do You Get Enough?

“I don’t need to worry about fiber. That’s only important for old people!” No matter your age, fiber-rich foods are key to your overall health. Yet, most of us only get half the fiber we need each day. As dietitians, fiber is one of THE most important nutrients we...
Trick-or-Treat! Managing Fun Foods

Trick-or-Treat! Managing Fun Foods

Fun foods can be tricky for parents and the end of the year is what we like to call Fun Food Season. How can we, as parents, maintain a healthy relationship with fun foods for ourselves? How can we help to foster this healthy relationship with fun foods for our...
Sound and Satisfying Snacking!

Sound and Satisfying Snacking!

Did you know that 48% of all food and beverages consumed are snacks? There are so many reasons for snacking: Nourishment: You’re hungry. Optimization: You need a snack before a workout or to fuel an exam. Pleasure: It looks good, it’s there, so you eat it!...
Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are eaten across cultures and have a wide variety of health benefits. Whether you’ve been enjoying fermented foods for years or are just starting to branch out, we have all the information you need to enjoy the benefits of fermented foods. Plus,...