Managing Menopause with Nutrition

Managing Menopause with Nutrition

Proper nutrition can help with managing menopause from onset through the aging process – check out these tips! Menopause is when your menstrual cycle PAUSEs—for good. It’s not a disease to be treated, but rather a normal stage of life. Menopause “officially”...
Should I Be Worried About Nutrient Absorption?

Should I Be Worried About Nutrient Absorption?

Do ever worry about nutrient absorption? “You are what you eat” is a very famous saying . . . although, you may have heard the more accurate version of it: “You are what you eat and absorb.” It’s possible to eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods but not get their full...
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Banza Rice

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Banza Rice

Banza rice is a rice product made from chickpeas. The Banza brand is popular for launching chickpea pasta in 2018. Since then they have been introducing other chickpea-based products to the market. Banza sets itself apart from other rice because of its higher protein...
Athletic Greens Review: Can one drink meet all your needs?

Athletic Greens Review: Can one drink meet all your needs?

Why We Tried It Sometimes, it’s tempting take nutrition short cuts. Like, getting ALL your nutrients in one drink. Why focus on a planning a balanced plate or getting in a variety of colors if you can simply drink it? That’s part of the promise of a popular drink mix...
The Crockpot is Your Family Meal-Making BFF

The Crockpot is Your Family Meal-Making BFF

Benefits and Tips for Crockpot Cooking We all know how hectic life can be. Between work, errands, and social obligations, finding time to cook a nutritious meal can be tough. Enter the crockpot, also known as a slow cooker. This humble kitchen appliance can help you...