Healthy Summer Travel Tips

Healthy Summer Travel Tips

With summer right around the corner, a lot of us are going to be spending a lot more time traveling. When traveling it can be really challenging to make healthy summer travel choices when you are not in a familiar environment. Even if your nutrition and exercise will...
No Fridge Necessary Summer Camp Snacks + Our Favorite Brands!

No Fridge Necessary Summer Camp Snacks + Our Favorite Brands!

Summer camp. First of all, I’m just glad they’re here. But, with camps taking smaller numbers of campers this year, our three boys are attending 3 different camps at various points all summer. And, it kind of makes my head spin trying to keep it all...
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Just Beets

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Just Beets

Welcome to “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews” | Trader Joe’s Just Beets   It’s a weekly series we’re calling “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” Every other week, we’ll share a popular food, drink or supplement one of our MNT Registered Dietitians tried, reviewed and rated....
McDaniel Bite-Sized Reviews | Cauliflower Crackers

McDaniel Bite-Sized Reviews | Cauliflower Crackers

Welcome to “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews” | Cauliflower Crackers It’s a weekly series we’re calling “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” Every other week, we’ll share a popular food, drink or supplement one of our MNT Registered Dietitians tried, reviewed and rated. With...
Are You A Smart Snacker? + A Healthy Snack Download

Are You A Smart Snacker? + A Healthy Snack Download

We’re a nation of snackers. But are we smart snackers? 91% of us snack multiple times a day, and 50% of our eating “events” are snacks. Parents, did you know the more kids you have, the more you will snack? Yep. There’s a direct correlation....