New Year’s Resolutions: A Step By Step Guide

New Year’s Resolutions: A Step By Step Guide

2020 and 2021 have been very difficult years for everyone as we have tried to navigate a pandemic while still trying to live a semi-normal life. With the New Year just around the corner, 2022 is a year that presents great promise and opportunity, and with that, we...
Calming Your COVID-19 Mind with Meditation

Calming Your COVID-19 Mind with Meditation

The year I turned 38, I decided I would give myself the gift of a meditation practice. With the birth of my third son, I had heard too many times… “enjoy your kids, life goes by so fast.” Starting a meditation practice was my way of addressing this....
My Morning Routine – A Key to Health and Happiness

My Morning Routine – A Key to Health and Happiness

Five am to 6:30 am is the time of my morning routine. It’s my favorite 90 minutes of the day. PERIOD. To be fair, I’m a morning person. It’s easier for this to be the golden hour of my life because I’m wired for it. My morning routine was born after the birth of my...