McDaniel Short-Cut Recipe | Fig and Arugula Flatbread

McDaniel Short-Cut Recipe | Fig and Arugula Flatbread

How about a fig and arugula flatbread for a grown-up afternoon snack? Last week was National Fig Week, and in order to honor these often forgotten fruits, we are highlighting them in our McDaniel Short-Cut recipe this week!  Not only are figs naturally the sweetest...
Back-to-School Snacks with Prairie Farms: His and Her Style!

Back-to-School Snacks with Prairie Farms: His and Her Style!

Back-to-school snacks seem to be happening more frequently with the boys in-home learning! Just like adults, being home more means more snacking opportunities. Snacking is a frequent conversation I have with clients. A snack should fill in nutritional gaps, serve to...
The Pantry’s Always Open + DIY Clif Bars

The Pantry’s Always Open + DIY Clif Bars

Is it just me, or are we all hearing this phrase “can I have a snack?” approximately 875 times a day? Maybe it’s because we are on week 3 of non-stop family time or because trips to the grocery store add a new level of anxiety, but not only is the...