What’s Your Tendency? And Why It Matters for Habit Change

What’s Your Tendency? And Why It Matters for Habit Change

Each and every client we work with takes the Four Tendencies quiz.  You are unique. It’s important that the health professionals who guide you in your health and wellness goals take the time to learn about you. Because how you set goals, respond to expectations,...
Lessons from Sleep Camp

Lessons from Sleep Camp

I’m wrapping up a four-week sleep camp (1 class/week) with my Feldenkrais teacher, Sandy Weiss, from Mind Body Science Works. Before I begin, let me share a bit about what Feldenkrais is! Feldenkrais is an approach to movement education that focuses on improving body...
Inside Out: Nutrition for Acne & Skin Health

Inside Out: Nutrition for Acne & Skin Health

Acne. Is there evidence you can improve acne with nutrition? It’s interesting, as I shift into perimenopause, I’ve noticed my teenage skin return. So fun. At the same time, with the emergence of puberty, my pre-teen and recently-turned-teenager are also...
Nutrition Tips for Better Mental Health

Nutrition Tips for Better Mental Health

If you’ve been on social media in the past 5 years, you’ll have noticed the focus on improving mental health. While therapy and self-care practices are usually the focus, nutrition plays a key role in your mental well-being. Here are some practical tips to...
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Beverages that Benefit

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Beverages that Benefit

What are “Healthier” Sodas? There’s a growing thirst for “healthier” sodas on the market and many of these new products aim to support gut health.  These sodas contain inulin, chicory root, or Jerusalem artichoke (prebiotic forms of fiber) or...