It’s “SOY” Good for School to Be Back in Session!
Ah, August, the month all parents have been waiting for. While summer offers so many opportunities for family fun and making memories, it is nice to fall back into the routines of the school year that provide structure that many of us thrive on. As we move back into...
Chrononutrition: Does Meal Timing Matter?
Chrononutrition is the science of how food, metabolism, meal timing, and your body clock interact. There is a growing body of research supporting the health benefits of eating at certain times during the day. This emerging field of research represents a paradigm shift...
Are you offering up cruel optimism?
I recently became aware the term “cruel optimism” in a book called: “Stolen Focus” by Johann Hari. Stolen Focus is a book about “Why You Can’t Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again.” I love these kinds of books. Although, reader beware,...