Our Favorite Holiday Mocktail Recipe
Pop open the sparkling apple cider, I’m celebrating a year of living an alcohol-free life this December (check out more on my journey here). And it’s the perfect time of the year to share my favorite holiday mocktail! Serving Up Drink Options for All The holidays are...
Get Better Sleep: The Impact of Nutrition and Alcohol on Your Sleep
Sleep is essential for good health and a sense of well-being. It gives your cells (in your brain, muscles, etc.) time to rest, clean out waste, and repair. Enough quality sleep helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body and lower the risk of many chronic...
Cranberry Vinaigrette
Looking for a riff on a traditional Thanksgiving side? Our Cranberry Vinaigrette can give a Thanksgiving twist to your favorite salad. Bringing a nicely dressed salad to your family celebrations can add some color to the holiday table. Plus it squeezes some veggies...