Fiber-Full: Do You Get Enough?

Fiber-Full: Do You Get Enough?

“I don’t need to worry about fiber. That’s only important for old people!” No matter your age, fiber-rich foods are key to your overall health. Yet, most of us only get half the fiber we need each day. As dietitians, fiber is one of THE most important nutrients we...
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Good Culture Cottage Cheese

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Good Culture Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a polarizing food. People either love it or hate it. As dietitians, we’re fans for its versatility and nutritional benefits. When compared to other types of cheese, this version is highly versatile with a big nutrient punch. Cottage cheese is a dairy...
McDaniel’s Short-Cut Recipe | Tuna Pasta with Lemon & Parsley

McDaniel’s Short-Cut Recipe | Tuna Pasta with Lemon & Parsley

Canned or tuna in a pouch is a high-protein, healthy fat ingredient to help you get dinner on the table in minutes! This pasta dish combines whole-wheat pasta with tuna and Mediterranean flavors from the lemon, parsley and capers. Confused about which form of canned...