Artificial sweeteners: Helpful or Harmful?

Artificial sweeteners: Helpful or Harmful?

Artificial sweeteners have been all over the news this month. A new study took a look at how four common sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin, stevia, and sucralose) influence our health. This is one of the first studies to look at their effect on human metabolism and the...
Sugar Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

Sugar Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

Have you ever thought you’ve got a sugar addiction? You’re staring at an empty sleeve of Girl Scout cookies. Kind of…in shock. You only wanted a couple, but for whatever reason, it was hard to stop. This might leave you wondering; am I addicted to sugar? It’s a...
I Want Candy: 4 Tips for Managing Fun Foods on Halloween

I Want Candy: 4 Tips for Managing Fun Foods on Halloween

If you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely a parent who cares about your child’s sugar intake and/or you want to help your kids strike a balance between the 5 pounds of candy in their Halloween bag with everyday nutritious foods. Maybe you realize that a...