Five Strategies to Make Back-to-School Lunch Prep a Breeze

Five Strategies to Make Back-to-School Lunch Prep a Breeze

Do you have kids who are heading back to school this fall? I do, and if you’re anything like me, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the demands on your time. Between orientations, post-summer reunions, school events, and kids on a new schedule, it...
School Lunch: A Parent’s Guide to Getting Off Hook

School Lunch: A Parent’s Guide to Getting Off Hook

Last week as my husband was helping me pack our son’s lunches for camp and he asked: “how much longer will we be doing this?” So I did some math. Three kids x ~175 days of school say through 5th grade = 3,150 lunches. That doesn’t include...
Five Healthy Lunch Box Ideas!

Five Healthy Lunch Box Ideas!

Time to dust off those brown bags or bento boxes. School’s back in session. Are you on the hunt for healthy lunch box ideas? I’m kind of lucky, I guess. My son wants the SAME lunch day after day. But in August, not only do we celebrate back to school, we...