Mindful Eating for Kids at Mealtime

Mindful Eating for Kids at Mealtime

Updated September 2022 We’ve all heard about mindful eating and we may even be practicing it ourselves. But, is mindful eating for kids? Is it something that we can practice as a family. A lot has changed over the past couple of years, and I know that quarantine...
Sugar Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

Sugar Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

Have you ever thought you’ve got a sugar addiction? You’re staring at an empty sleeve of Girl Scout cookies. Kind of…in shock. You only wanted a couple, but for whatever reason, it was hard to stop. This might leave you wondering; am I addicted to sugar? It’s a...
New Year’s Resolutions: A Step By Step Guide

New Year’s Resolutions: A Step By Step Guide

2020 and 2021 have been very difficult years for everyone as we have tried to navigate a pandemic while still trying to live a semi-normal life. With the New Year just around the corner, 2022 is a year that presents great promise and opportunity, and with that, we...
Feeding Lessons You Can Learn from Your Dainty Lil’ Eater

Feeding Lessons You Can Learn from Your Dainty Lil’ Eater

One of the most common questions I hear when people learn that I am both a mom and a dietitian is, “Should I worry that my kid doesn’t eat very much?” Friends, I have been there. That’s why I developed these “feeding lessons”. It can be scary when a...