The Heart Healthy Sweet Potato

The Heart Healthy Sweet Potato

What’s the scoop on sweet potatoes? Whether you like sweet potato pie served at holiday meals, or you just want to learn more about this tasty, nutrient-packed vegetable, read on!   Sweet potatoes originated in Latin America. Sweet potatoes are root vegetables. They...
Tofu: Not Just for Vegetarians Anymore

Tofu: Not Just for Vegetarians Anymore

For years, tofu has been a standard in vegetarian and vegan diets as a source of plant-based protein. It packs a nutritional punch, is versatile in dishes, and cooks quickly, so it’s no surprise that it has grown in popularity with omnivores alike. However, along with...
Coffee & Heart Health: Your Genes Determine the Perk or Poison

Coffee & Heart Health: Your Genes Determine the Perk or Poison

Why is there so much conflicting evidence about coffee? You’ve probably heard moderate consumption of coffee, say less 3 cups a day, lowers your risk of chronic disease? I’m betting you also know whether you are caffeine sensitive? I’m on the...
Three Heart Healthy Foods That May Surprise You!

Three Heart Healthy Foods That May Surprise You!

February is American Heart Month, which is a great reminder each year to check in with yourself and ensure that you’re doing all that you can to keep your heart healthy. Many people assume that they’d never personally be affected by heart disease; however, you might...
Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

With February being National Heart Health month, my goals were to research foods and dietary patterns that influence the health of our hearts. This subject is near and dear to me as my dad had quadruple bypass surgery for a 90% blocked artery nicknamed the “widow...