McDaniel Short-Cut Recipe | Summer Zucchini Boat Recipe

McDaniel Short-Cut Recipe | Summer Zucchini Boat Recipe

Peak zucchini season is here and now is the perfect time to enjoy just-picked zucchinis. Whether you get them from the grocery store, farmers’ markets, or your backyard, we have just the recipe you need. Sunday, August 8th is recognized as National Zucchini Day...
McDaniel Short-Cuts: Vegan Sloppy Joes

McDaniel Short-Cuts: Vegan Sloppy Joes

These Vegan Sloppy Joes are an ode to a food memory. Growing up on “Manwich” style sloppy joes, it was a weekly staple offered at our lunch cafeteria. Lunch lady, I do thank you, it was a fond memory paired with canned green beans and fries, but I think bigger and...
Elevating Your Take-Out Experience + Tips for Not Overeating It!

Elevating Your Take-Out Experience + Tips for Not Overeating It!

Servers, bartenders – I miss you. But, this take-out will do. I was thinking, when I eat out at a restaurant, I savor it. I taste my food and sip my wine slowly so the magical moment of a date with my husband AND, most importantly, not having to put the kids to...
Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

As parents, we are bombarded with messages about kids and sugar, but have you heard about the salty six? We can easily recite the effects of too much – cavities, weight gain, etc. And while it is import to be mindful of our kids’ sugar intake, there’s another food...
4 Ways to Navigate Diet Talk

4 Ways to Navigate Diet Talk

We’ve all experienced diet talk at some point–either personally or secondhand. Think you haven’t heard diet talk? Consider these examples: “I deserve this, I was good yesterday.” “I’m really trying to not have carbs,...