How to Gain Spouse Support When Making Health Changes

How to Gain Spouse Support When Making Health Changes

If you’re in a relationship, whether you like it or not, your partner affects your health. Didn’t it seem when you first started dating, that you and your partner had everything in common? Now married, several years later, while you applaud your...
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing at MNT

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing at MNT

Are you curious about how many calories you need to eat in a day? At MNT, our dietitians have a few tricks for assessing calorie needs. Most often, we rely on our clinical expertise, years of experience, and scientifically validated calculations to estimate needs. We...
Meal Timing Matters | High-Protein Sunrise Waffles

Meal Timing Matters | High-Protein Sunrise Waffles

Parenting young children has been good for me regarding meal timing. We eat an early dinner, and we try make time for a big breakfast. Yet, as my kids get older and involved in after-school activities, I can see how dinners could get later. Prying teenagers out of bed...
My Morning Routine – A Key to Health and Happiness

My Morning Routine – A Key to Health and Happiness

Five am to 6:30 am is the time of my morning routine. It’s my favorite 90 minutes of the day. PERIOD. To be fair, I’m a morning person. It’s easier for this to be the golden hour of my life because I’m wired for it. My morning routine was born after the birth of my...
Creating a Stress-Free Family Mealtime

Creating a Stress-Free Family Mealtime

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are endless benefits to sitting down at the table as a family and enjoying a meal together. However, feeding children can often feel dizzying and frustrating for parents. Kids’ likes and dislikes change daily. Some days they...