Mood Boosting Foods: How to Tackle The Winter Blues

Mood Boosting Foods: How to Tackle The Winter Blues

Is it too good to be true that mood boosting foods can help you combat the winter blues? The holidays are over, cold and flu season is knocking at your door, and your skin hasn’t seen the sun in days. For some, the combination of these events can set up a bad case of...
5 Strategies to Tackle the Summer Slide

5 Strategies to Tackle the Summer Slide

Have you heard of the term “summer slide?” I’m not talking about a decline in academic retention, I’m referring to nutrition. With the bounty of summer produce and more downtime, one might think kids (and adults) would have healthier eating habits....
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Banza Elbow Pasta

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Banza Elbow Pasta

Welcome to the inaugural, “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” It’s the first of a new weekly series we’re calling “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” Each Thursday, we’ll share a new product one of our Registered...
Mediterranean Farro Bowl with Kefir Dressing

Mediterranean Farro Bowl with Kefir Dressing

This Mediterranean Farro Bowl is rich in gut-health optimizing nutrients. Not only do you get complex carbs from whole-grains (farro) and beans (chickpeas), you also get probiotic-rich nutrients in the kefir milk dressing. Many popular diets (i.e. keto) limit (or...
Is Your “Disease to Please” Hampering Habit Change?

Is Your “Disease to Please” Hampering Habit Change?

You’ve initiated habit change. In fact, you’ve taken on a lot. You’re regularly working out and you’re following a healthier eating plan. Heck, you’re even taking the time to log what you eat in an online food journal.   Habit change...