Picky Eaters | The Division of Responsibility

Picky Eaters | The Division of Responsibility

As a parent, you always want to do what’s best for your children. We want to help our kids grow through proper nutrition. But sometimes convincing a kid to eat his or her broccoli makes both of you completely miserable. Picky eating can make family mealtimes one of...
Creating a Stress-Free Family Mealtime

Creating a Stress-Free Family Mealtime

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are endless benefits to sitting down at the table as a family and enjoying a meal together. However, feeding children can often feel dizzying and frustrating for parents. Kids’ likes and dislikes change daily. Some days they...
Instant Pot Berry Cobbler Steel Cut Oats

Instant Pot Berry Cobbler Steel Cut Oats

As dietitians and moms at McDaniel Nutrition, we are firm believers that the best kitchen gadgets should take the dirty work out of our most dreaded kitchen tasks. The instant pot is just the solution I was looking for. Instant Pot = Time Saver Consider steel cut...
Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

With February being National Heart Health month, my goals were to research foods and dietary patterns that influence the health of our hearts. This subject is near and dear to me as my dad had quadruple bypass surgery for a 90% blocked artery nicknamed the “widow...
Cheater’s Chicken Parmesan Bake

Cheater’s Chicken Parmesan Bake

Earlier this week was Halloween. In the past, I’ve usually been prepared with a crockpot of chili to fill my kids’ bellies prior to the sugar rush, but this week, I had no plan. While I contemplated ordering pizza, I remembered I had chicken breasts in the fridge...