Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

With February being National Heart Health month, my goals were to research foods and dietary patterns that influence the health of our hearts. This subject is near and dear to me as my dad had quadruple bypass surgery for a 90% blocked artery nicknamed the “widow...
Chickpea and Pasta Soup

Chickpea and Pasta Soup

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also one of the busiest! If you’re like us, your calendar has been packed with holiday parties, and you’re filling in spare moments with making lists and checking them twice. To be honest,...
Avoid the Holiday Hangover

Avoid the Holiday Hangover

The holiday hangover, it’s real. The holidays are nearly upon us, and if your November and December calendars are filling up as quickly as ours, you might already feel the pressure of the food-focused celebrations around every corner. While we always advocate...
Cheater’s Chicken Parmesan Bake

Cheater’s Chicken Parmesan Bake

Earlier this week was Halloween. In the past, I’ve usually been prepared with a crockpot of chili to fill my kids’ bellies prior to the sugar rush, but this week, I had no plan. While I contemplated ordering pizza, I remembered I had chicken breasts in the fridge...