McDaniel’s Short-Cuts | 3-Bean Bake with Cornbread Crust

McDaniel’s Short-Cuts | 3-Bean Bake with Cornbread Crust

This McDaniel Short-Cut, a 3 bean bake, is an ode to a food memory from my childhood. My mom proudly pulled her Mexican casserole out of the oven only to discover the crust was 10x higher than her baking dish. Instead of using 1 cup of the packaged cornbread Bisquick...
Three Heart Healthy Foods That May Surprise You!

Three Heart Healthy Foods That May Surprise You!

February is American Heart Month, which is a great reminder each year to check in with yourself and ensure that you’re doing all that you can to keep your heart healthy. Many people assume that they’d never personally be affected by heart disease; however, you might...