Should I Be Taking Extra Vitamin C? Immune Health & COVID-19

Should I Be Taking Extra Vitamin C? Immune Health & COVID-19

Vitamin c has been grabbing attention as a way to support immune health against COVID-19. The current body of evidence shows it may shorten the duration of symptoms. We’re all vulnerable and eager for answers. So, today we aim to answer: what’s the science...
The Pantry’s Always Open + DIY Clif Bars

The Pantry’s Always Open + DIY Clif Bars

Is it just me, or are we all hearing this phrase “can I have a snack?” approximately 875 times a day? Maybe it’s because we are on week 3 of non-stop family time or because trips to the grocery store add a new level of anxiety, but not only is the...
Facts (and myths) About How To Safely Handle Food During COVID-19

Facts (and myths) About How To Safely Handle Food During COVID-19

Regardless of your current situation, there is one thing we all have in common: we still need to eat and want safe food. There are many different ways to get food right now from visiting the grocery store like normal, curbside food pick-up, food delivery, or a...
McDaniel’s Short-Cuts | Black Bean & Sweet Potato Burritos

McDaniel’s Short-Cuts | Black Bean & Sweet Potato Burritos

These black bean and sweet potato burritos were supposed to be a burger. But, when the mixture hit the heat, they crumbled like I have over the past couple of days due to coronavirus stress. So, I wrapped them up in whole-grain goodness like I do with my weighted...
Calming Your COVID-19 Mind with Meditation

Calming Your COVID-19 Mind with Meditation

The year I turned 38, I decided I would give myself the gift of a meditation practice. With the birth of my third son, I had heard too many times… “enjoy your kids, life goes by so fast.” Starting a meditation practice was my way of addressing this....
COVID-19 Induced Stress Eating

COVID-19 Induced Stress Eating

Given the uncertainness of the world right now, you might find yourself stress-eating more than ever. Many of us are separated from friends and family, concerned about finances, and struggling to find a sense of structure and routine that we can count on. Social...