Our Blog: Recipes, Research, and Resources 

Shrimp Stir Fry with Peanut Ginger Sauce

Shrimp Stir Fry with Peanut Ginger Sauce

This peanut ginger sauce has a special place in my heart. My 7-year-old son helped me make it. Inspired by Kids Eat Right month  and their initiative to get kids in the kitchen, I asked my son if he wanted to cook with me. I was prepared to be turned down. Jack hasn’t...

Should You Avoid Lectins?

Should You Avoid Lectins?

Did you catch Jennifer’s recent Instagram post about lectins? (No? Why not give her a follow?!?). To recap, Jennifer spoke last week with a client at a corporate event who was considering removing all beans, some veggies, & whole-grains from her diet. The client...

Workout Weight Gain

Workout Weight Gain

How is it possible? You've been consistently exercising, but instead of weight loss, you are are experiencing workout weight gain?  It’s understandable that you’re both frustrated and surprised with the lack of results.  You’ve increased your exercise, so why aren’t...

Five Healthy Lunch Box Ideas!

Five Healthy Lunch Box Ideas!

Time to dust off those brown bags or bento boxes. School's back in session. Are you on the hunt for healthy lunch box ideas? I'm kind of lucky, I guess. My son wants the SAME lunch day after day. But in August, not only do we celebrate back to school, we also...



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