Sunshine Stew | Cooking With My Kids During COVID-19
Cooking with my kids has definitely been the highlight of quarantine. I'm not for sure why, but it actually seems they're more interested than they've been in the past. Maybe it's because they actually ARE tired of looking at their homeschool iPad screens. Or maybe...
Should I Be Taking Extra Vitamin C? Immune Health & COVID-19
Vitamin c has been grabbing attention as a way to support immune health against COVID-19. The current body of evidence shows it may shorten the duration of symptoms. We're all vulnerable and eager for answers. So, today we aim to answer: what's the science say about...
Is Mindful Eating Possible in Lockdown Mode?
Lately, mindful eating has felt like "hurry up and get his over" kind of eating during my quarantine with three boys. The stay at home way of living has changed the way families eat. Some of this is for the good, such as more opportunity for family mealtime! But, like...
The Pantry’s Always Open + DIY Clif Bars
Is it just me, or are we all hearing this phrase "can I have a snack?" approximately 875 times a day? Maybe it’s because we are on week 3 of non-stop family time or because trips to the grocery store add a new level of anxiety, but not only is the frequency of this...
Facts (and myths) About How To Safely Handle Food During COVID-19
Regardless of your current situation, there is one thing we all have in common: we still need to eat and want safe food. There are many different ways to get food right now from visiting the grocery store like normal, curbside food pick-up, food delivery, or a...
McDaniel’s Short-Cuts | Black Bean & Sweet Potato Burritos
These black bean and sweet potato burritos were supposed to be a burger. But, when the mixture hit the heat, they crumbled like I have over the past couple of days due to coronavirus stress. So, I wrapped them up in whole-grain goodness like I do with my weighted...
Calming Your COVID-19 Mind with Meditation
The year I turned 38, I decided I would give myself the gift of a meditation practice. With the birth of my third son, I had heard too many times... "enjoy your kids, life goes by so fast." Starting a meditation practice was my way of addressing this. If I could train...
COVID-19 Induced Stress Eating
Given the uncertainness of the world right now, you might find yourself stress-eating more than ever. Many of us are separated from friends and family, concerned about finances, and struggling to find a sense of structure and routine that we can count on. Social...
The Family’s Guide to the Well-Stocked Kitchen During COVID-19
As we navigate the new "normal" that COVID-19, families are cooking more and eating out less. With all new journeys into uncharted experiences the number one, most important step is Don't Panic. Panic leads to irrational decision making. Approaching uncertainty with a...
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