Athletic Greens Review: Can one drink meet all your needs?
Why We Tried It Sometimes, it’s tempting take nutrition short cuts. Like, getting ALL your nutrients in one drink. Why focus on a planning a balanced plate or getting in a variety of colors if you can simply drink it? That’s part of the promise of a popular drink mix...
Microbiome Testing: Is the Price of Poop Analysis Worth It?
Microbiome testing is a popular way of understanding the health of our gut. The area of gut health has grown recently as gut health has shown to have remarkable effects on overall health. “Understanding the gut microbiome, its role in modulating the gut immune...
The Crockpot is Your Family Meal-Making BFF
Benefits and Tips for Crockpot Cooking We all know how hectic life can be. Between work, errands, and social obligations, finding time to cook a nutritious meal can be tough. Enter the crockpot, also known as a slow cooker. This humble kitchen appliance can help you...
A Better Solution to Meal Plans
“Can’t you just tell me what to eat?” It’s one of the most common questions the team at McDaniel Nutrition get, and it makes sense! Decision fatigue is a real thing. Whether you’re feeding yourself or feeding your family, a lot of time and energy is needed to eat!...
Nutrition Beyond the Scale
What would it look like if your definition of “health” wasn’t tied to a number on the scale? How would you do it differently? Would it change your relationship with food? With movement? At a time of year when we are bombarded with messages that center on weight or...
…and a Partridge in a Pear Tree
December is National Pear Month and it's definitely the right time of year to celebrate! We so often associate fruit with summer, but we've found some delicious winter recipes that use pears. If you're still planning your holiday menus be sure to include some of these...
Food Allergies and Sensitivities: A Complete Guide
Food allergies and sensitivities (or intolerances) are increasingly common. You’ve heard of nut-free schools and gluten-free foods, and yes, some people truly need to avoid even the tiniest traces of these foods. In fact, millions of Americans experience allergic...
Navigating the Holidays: Reframe, Reflect, and Renew
Whew! Navigating the holidays, with all the holiday hustle and bustle, can make scheduling and keeping an appointment with your dietitian may be low on your priority list. We get it – December is a busy time of year! Or maybe you find yourself thinking, “What’s the...
Holiday Hacks: 3 Time-Saving Kitchen Tips
Between holiday parties, school concerts, family gatherings, shopping, and vacations most of us will be VERY busy this holiday season. Give yourself the gift of taking some shortcuts and holiday hacks to take some of the pressure off so you can relax and be merry...
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