Instant Pot BBQ Chicken Sliders with Slaw | McDaniel Short-Cuts

Instant Pot BBQ Chicken Sliders with Slaw | McDaniel Short-Cuts

Last weekend, when I crossed my hometown border of Tennessee, this plant-loving girl started craving BBQ chicken sliders topped with slaw. Growing up, there was a drive-thru BBQ restaurant next to my gymnastics center. After weekend four-hour long practices, nothing...
Falafel Mix Makeover | McDaniel Short-Cuts

Falafel Mix Makeover | McDaniel Short-Cuts

You should falafel if you’ve never tried “falafel.” Ok, bad joke. But, in all honestly, it’s one of my favorite Mediterranean meals. I love the chickpea crunch paired with garlic, yogurt and lemon in a falafel sandwich. Falafel is a traditional...
Soycutash Panzanella Salad | McDaniel Short-Cuts

Soycutash Panzanella Salad | McDaniel Short-Cuts

This “soycutash” is really “succotash” with a soy swap. As a former southerner, I have fond memories of enjoying succotash drowned in milk and butter. “Soycutash” is Trader Joe’s spin on the traditional corn and lima bean dish...
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Banza Elbow Pasta

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Banza Elbow Pasta

Welcome to the inaugural, “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” It’s the first of a new weekly series we’re calling “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” Each Thursday, we’ll share a new product one of our Registered...