From Guilt to Grace: Navigating Holiday Food Thoughts

From Guilt to Grace: Navigating Holiday Food Thoughts

I recently did a taped interview for a local St. Louis TV station which aired on Black Friday about holiday food guilt. The topic was a familiar one: “How to deal with post-Turkey Day overeating.” During the segment, I stuck to three main points, a...
Mindful Eating for Kids at Mealtime

Mindful Eating for Kids at Mealtime

Updated September 2022 We’ve all heard about mindful eating and we may even be practicing it ourselves. But, is mindful eating for kids? Is it something that we can practice as a family. A lot has changed over the past couple of years, and I know that quarantine...
I Want Candy: 4 Tips for Managing Fun Foods on Halloween

I Want Candy: 4 Tips for Managing Fun Foods on Halloween

If you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely a parent who cares about your child’s sugar intake and/or you want to help your kids strike a balance between the 5 pounds of candy in their Halloween bag with everyday nutritious foods. Maybe you realize that a...
Is Mindful Eating Possible in Lockdown Mode?

Is Mindful Eating Possible in Lockdown Mode?

Lately, mindful eating has felt like “hurry up and get his over” kind of eating during my quarantine with three boys. The stay at home way of living has changed the way families eat. Some of this is for the good, such as more opportunity for family...