Summer Snacking Ideas (and a Recipe for Frozen Yogurt Bites!)

Summer Snacking Ideas (and a Recipe for Frozen Yogurt Bites!)

The long dog days of summer are in full swing which means time for outdoor adventures and relaxing by the pool. Summer spontaneity brings excitement and breaks us out of our routines. Taking a much-needed break from the daily grind allows us to be in the moment with...
Are You A Smart Snacker? + A Healthy Snack Download

Are You A Smart Snacker? + A Healthy Snack Download

We’re a nation of snackers. But are we smart snackers? 91% of us snack multiple times a day, and 50% of our eating “events” are snacks. Parents, did you know the more kids you have, the more you will snack? Yep. There’s a direct correlation....