Creamy “Two” Potato Soup | Self-Compassion

Creamy “Two” Potato Soup | Self-Compassion

What did you think about when you saw this creamy potato soup? Maybe, your response was “Yum!”  Or, was your response different? Did you wonder if the “creamy” title meant it was too fatty or the potatoes had too many carbs? Every time we make...
Our Favorite Food Trends for 2019

Our Favorite Food Trends for 2019

Want to know a secret? Dietitians love the New Year. Not only do we get to support our clients and loved ones in turning resolutions into healthy habits. We also learn the top food trends for the upcoming year. Food industry experts share insights each January about...
Black-Eyed Pea Soup with Chicken Sausage & Spinach

Black-Eyed Pea Soup with Chicken Sausage & Spinach

Happy New Year, friends! Did you eat your (black-eyed) peas on January 1? There are lots of good reasons to do so. Black-eyed peas are a Southern tradition on New Year’s Day. Just eating them is said to bring you prosperity and luck, and some Southern households...
3 Ways to Ward off Sugar Cravings (+ a Few Easy Recipes!)

3 Ways to Ward off Sugar Cravings (+ a Few Easy Recipes!)

It hasn’t always felt much like pumpkin spice and sweater season in St. Louis, but Fall is most certainly upon us. As I sat down to fill in my calendar and make my to-do list last night, I realized it’s almost Halloween! And Thanksgiving! And…you know how the last...