Should I Be Taking Extra Vitamin C? Immune Health & COVID-19

Should I Be Taking Extra Vitamin C? Immune Health & COVID-19

Vitamin c has been grabbing attention as a way to support immune health against COVID-19. The current body of evidence shows it may shorten the duration of symptoms. We’re all vulnerable and eager for answers. So, today we aim to answer: what’s the science...
Is Mindful Eating Possible in Lockdown Mode?

Is Mindful Eating Possible in Lockdown Mode?

Lately, mindful eating has felt like “hurry up and get his over” kind of eating during my quarantine with three boys. The stay at home way of living has changed the way families eat. Some of this is for the good, such as more opportunity for family...
Facts (and myths) About How To Safely Handle Food During COVID-19

Facts (and myths) About How To Safely Handle Food During COVID-19

Regardless of your current situation, there is one thing we all have in common: we still need to eat and want safe food. There are many different ways to get food right now from visiting the grocery store like normal, curbside food pick-up, food delivery, or a...
The Family’s Guide to the Well-Stocked Kitchen During COVID-19

The Family’s Guide to the Well-Stocked Kitchen During COVID-19

As we navigate the new “normal” that COVID-19, families are cooking more and eating out less. With all new journeys into uncharted experiences the number one, most important step is Don’t Panic. Panic leads to irrational decision making. Approaching...