Recipe: No Bake Cocoa & Hemp Seed Energy Bites

Recipe: No Bake Cocoa & Hemp Seed Energy Bites

I know I’m in my nutritional groove when I have two items prepped and ready to be eaten: my no bake energy bites and my pre-made smoothie packs. There are few foods that ALL three of my kids love, but one of them are these no bake energy bites. They actually...
After-School Snack Ideas with Prairie Farms!

After-School Snack Ideas with Prairie Farms!

Anyone else looking for an easy, no-recipe needed after-school snack ideas? It’s been about a year since the coronavirus bomb hit us. Who knew that one of the hardest roles in parenting, especially during quarantine life would be feeding your kids meal after...
Back-to-School Snacks with Prairie Farms: His and Her Style!

Back-to-School Snacks with Prairie Farms: His and Her Style!

Back-to-school snacks seem to be happening more frequently with the boys in-home learning! Just like adults, being home more means more snacking opportunities. Snacking is a frequent conversation I have with clients. A snack should fill in nutritional gaps, serve to...