Improve Your Hydration with These Summer Drink Recipes!

Improve Your Hydration with These Summer Drink Recipes!

When the body needs water our brains send the signal of thirst – an essential survival mechanism that maintains fluid balance. Having a full water bottle on hand is one of the best habits to make sure you stay hydrated. But even with all of the high-tech water bottles...
Are Detox Diets and Cleanses Healthy?

Are Detox Diets and Cleanses Healthy?

Do You Need to Detox? Detoxes and cleanses have been buzzwords for a while now. Regardless of what they’re called, they are always advertised with many health claims and compelling testimonials. A lot of the time—even when they don’t explicitly say so—“cleanse” is a...
What Exactly IS Intuitive Eating?

What Exactly IS Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating, as developed by registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, is based on ten principles that include making peace with food, exploring emotional eating, and respecting your body. Tribole and Resch’s Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary...
Summer Berries: How Sweet It Is!

Summer Berries: How Sweet It Is!

Summer is upon us! Although May is known as “strawberry season” here in St. Louis, many parts of the country continue to harvest them throughout June and into July. Other berries continue to reach their peak throughout the summer and early fall: Cherries typically...
Healthy Summer Travel Tips

Healthy Summer Travel Tips

With summer right around the corner, a lot of us are going to be spending a lot more time traveling. When traveling it can be really challenging to make healthy summer travel choices when you are not in a familiar environment. Even if your nutrition and exercise will...
Sugar Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

Sugar Addiction: Fact or Fiction?

Have you ever thought you’ve got a sugar addiction? You’re staring at an empty sleeve of Girl Scout cookies. Kind of…in shock. You only wanted a couple, but for whatever reason, it was hard to stop. This might leave you wondering; am I addicted to sugar? It’s a...