Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

As parents, we are bombarded with messages about kids and sugar, but have you heard about the salty six? We can easily recite the effects of too much – cavities, weight gain, etc. And while it is import to be mindful of our kids’ sugar intake, there’s another food...
Genetic Testing: Start Eating According to Your Genes

Genetic Testing: Start Eating According to Your Genes

Are you drinking too much coffee? Eating the right amount of omega-3 fats? The answer may be in your genes. An innovative test reveals how your body responds to different foods and nutrients based on your individual genetic profile. Some people respond differently...
Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

Nobody’s Perfect! MNT RD’s Share Their Nutrition Goals

With February being National Heart Health month, my goals were to research foods and dietary patterns that influence the health of our hearts. This subject is near and dear to me as my dad had quadruple bypass surgery for a 90% blocked artery nicknamed the “widow...