Sleep, Nutrition & Menopause

Sleep, Nutrition & Menopause

“Since I’ve entered menopause, my sleep has become really disrupted. I used to be the best sleeper, but now I find I wake early in the morning or in the middle of the night. And then it’s hard for me to fall back asleep.” Peri/menopause...
Custom Meal Plan Recipe: Mediterranean Cod with Fennel Sauce

Custom Meal Plan Recipe: Mediterranean Cod with Fennel Sauce

Yes, you’ve heard it before. You should eat fish. Why? Because they contain omega-3 fats that have been shown to play a big role in 4 areas of health: heart, brain, eye and prenatal health. A diet rich in omega-3’s can lower blood pressure, blood fats and lower risk...
Spring Clean Your Cooking Routine

Spring Clean Your Cooking Routine

Anyone else have spring cleaning on their mind when March rolls in? As you dive into spring cleaning, don’t forget to include your meal planning, shopping and food prepping routine. Here are a few simple steps for spring cleaning your cooking routine as we head...
A Better Solution to Meal Plans

A Better Solution to Meal Plans

“Can’t you just tell me what to eat?” It’s one of the most common questions the team at McDaniel Nutrition get, and it makes sense! Decision fatigue is a real thing. Whether you’re feeding yourself or feeding your family, a lot of time and energy is needed to eat!...
2019 Goals, The Family Edition

2019 Goals, The Family Edition

When everyone from your great aunt to the morning talk show host is talking about their New Years Resolutions for 2019, it’s easy to get sucked onto the clean eating, exercising more, losing weight . . . train. I think it’s great to take better care of ourselves in...