“Can’t you just tell me what to eat?” It’s one of the most common questions the team at McDaniel Nutrition get, and it makes sense! Decision fatigue is a real thing. Whether you’re feeding yourself or feeding your family, a lot of time and energy is needed to eat! But, handing out meal plans is a short-term fix. That’s why McDaniel Nutrition has never done it. Instead, they came up with a better solution.

A Better Solution

Our team of dietitians created a customized meal planning service that provides clients with weekly meal plans and grocery lists. The meal plans account for health goals, food preferences, lifestyle, allergies, and more. This way, clients can follow their plan with the confidence they deserve. Clients are more likely to follow a plan when they know it is tailored to their calories, macronutrients, personal preference, cooking skills and time! Plus, the plans offer clients the autonomy to switch out menu items if they have any last-minute changes… (like they forgot to buy chicken!).

Client Empowerment

Receiving a static meal plan is passive and lacks real-life practicality. Clients become reliant on their dietitian to know what to eat, and struggle to create their own meal plans. Customized meal plans empower the client to take part in their health. Every two weeks, clients meet with their dietitian to make changes to their plan. From this, a client can learn about new recipes, healthy products to seek out at the store, or how to make healthy snack swaps. This empowers the client to truly take control of their health.

An Intern’s Experience

As an intern, I’ve worked with this customized meal planning service. It’s opened my eyes to the vital importance of including the client in the meal planning process. I’ve also seen how meal plans help ease the decision-making process and help clients make meaningful changes. One of our client’s reported his workouts were stronger, he felt less hunger through the day, and he’d lost 7 pounds. 

Why Choose MNT’s Custom Meal Planning Service?

McDaniel Nutrition Therapy goes above and beyond with their new meal planning service to provide the best experience for the client. The program provides robust educational opportunities to clients and empowers them to take control of their health. McDaniel Nutrition makes eating better and thinking less about it simpler.

Learn more about how to sign up HERE!