I Want Candy: 4 Tips for Managing Fun Foods on Halloween

I Want Candy: 4 Tips for Managing Fun Foods on Halloween

If you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely a parent who cares about your child’s sugar intake and/or you want to help your kids strike a balance between the 5 pounds of candy in their Halloween bag with everyday nutritious foods. Maybe you realize that a...
5 Strategies to Tackle the Summer Slide

5 Strategies to Tackle the Summer Slide

Have you heard of the term “summer slide?” I’m not talking about a decline in academic retention, I’m referring to nutrition. With the bounty of summer produce and more downtime, one might think kids (and adults) would have healthier eating habits....
Watermelon Sports Drink for Kids + Summer Hydration Tips

Watermelon Sports Drink for Kids + Summer Hydration Tips

Watermelon sports drink? Yes, please! Sometimes water doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to meeting a child’s hydration needs. Have you ever been told to avoid giving sports drinks to your kids? While hydration is important year round, in the summer, we...
Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

As parents, we are bombarded with messages about kids and sugar, but have you heard about the salty six? We can easily recite the effects of too much – cavities, weight gain, etc. And while it is import to be mindful of our kids’ sugar intake, there’s another food...