Trick-or-Treat! Managing Fun Foods

Trick-or-Treat! Managing Fun Foods

Fun foods can be tricky for parents and the end of the year is what we like to call Fun Food Season. How can we, as parents, maintain a healthy relationship with fun foods for ourselves? How can we help to foster this healthy relationship with fun foods for our...
Nutrition Beyond the Scale

Nutrition Beyond the Scale

What would it look like if your definition of “health” wasn’t tied to a number on the scale? How would you do it differently? Would it change your relationship with food? With movement? At a time of year when we are bombarded with messages that center on weight or...
What Exactly IS Intuitive Eating?

What Exactly IS Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating, as developed by registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, is based on ten principles that include making peace with food, exploring emotional eating, and respecting your body. Tribole and Resch’s Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary...
Intuitive Eating: 3 Reasons You May Lack “Food Control”

Intuitive Eating: 3 Reasons You May Lack “Food Control”

Food  control. The definition of control is the power to influence the course of events. At McDaniel Nutrition, we don’t love the word “control.” It feels…a little harsh or hard. But, it is a common concern we often hear in our practice. And,...
FAQs and Misconceptions of Intuitive Eating

FAQs and Misconceptions of Intuitive Eating

According to the book ‘Intuitive Eating’ by dietitians Evenlyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, an intuitive eater is someone who “makes food choices without experiencing guilt or an ethical dilemma, honors hunger, respects fullness and enjoys the pleasure of eating.” It’s a...