Growing Gardeners Who Eat Their Greens

Growing Gardeners Who Eat Their Greens

Gardeners eat more veggies. Yes, it’s true! While getting kids excited about gardening and or eating vegetables can be a tall order. Getting kids excited about dirt, water and worms, on the other hand, is often a much easier task. Start Small Kids are naturally...
Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

Strategies to Tackle the Salty Six for Kids

As parents, we are bombarded with messages about kids and sugar, but have you heard about the salty six? We can easily recite the effects of too much – cavities, weight gain, etc. And while it is import to be mindful of our kids’ sugar intake, there’s another food...
McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Lifeway Probugs Organic Pouches

McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews | Lifeway Probugs Organic Pouches

Welcome to “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews” It’s the second post (last week we reviewed Banza Elbows Made with Chickpeas) of a weekly series we’re calling “McDaniel’s Bite-Sized Reviews!” Each Thursday, we’ll share a new popular food/drink one of our Registered...