Intuitive Eating: 3 Reasons You May Lack “Food Control”

Intuitive Eating: 3 Reasons You May Lack “Food Control”

Food  control. The definition of control is the power to influence the course of events. At McDaniel Nutrition, we don’t love the word “control.” It feels…a little harsh or hard. But, it is a common concern we often hear in our practice. And,...
4 Ways to Navigate Diet Talk

4 Ways to Navigate Diet Talk

We’ve all experienced diet talk at some point–either personally or secondhand. Think you haven’t heard diet talk? Consider these examples: “I deserve this, I was good yesterday.” “I’m really trying to not have carbs,...
Creamy “Two” Potato Soup | Self-Compassion

Creamy “Two” Potato Soup | Self-Compassion

What did you think about when you saw this creamy potato soup? Maybe, your response was “Yum!”  Or, was your response different? Did you wonder if the “creamy” title meant it was too fatty or the potatoes had too many carbs? Every time we make...