Jennifer McDaniel
Jennifer McDaniel, Founder of McDaniel Nutrition Therapy, is a sought after national media spokesperson and regular on-air contributor. Her healthy, positive messages on the power of proper nutrition and her personal, enthusiastic style connect with diverse audiences, putting nutritional success within their grasp.
As a former media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, I have provided over 800 print, online, radio and television interviews. I am available in a variety of media opportunities, including:
- Nutrition Spokespersons
- Live, in-studio segments
- Nutrition expert for print, television and audio
- Presentations for consumers or healthcare professionals
- Bylined articles for consumer and professional publications
- Corporate Wellness presentations
Our team of registered dietitians trade hype for science-backed wisdom and personal experience. We exchange perfection-seeking plans for simple, human insights. And most importantly, we believe that personal growth can only come when we are curious and compassionate.

Jennifer’s Recent Appearances

Inspiring Growth
Jennifer has been quoted in local and national media outlets including: Men’s Health Magazine, US News and World Report, Huffington Post,, St. Louis Magazine, and STL Today. Contact her for interviews, guest spots, and speaking at your next event.